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Canadian Lifestyle Health Care

Welcome to our web site.

Wellness RISK Management (WRM) is our is our flagship web site to Measure and Manage Wellness.

If you are in PAIN!
Dirty Pain, Clean Pain, How Do You Tell the Difference?


Follow the Science PILOT Program

Help for Worker's Wellness, Cost Free to the Company

The End Goal


S= Specific

     M= Measurable

    A= Attainable

  R= Relevant

        T= Time-Based 

Above all, we want things thorough and comprehensive in the Self-Help field for workers to gain the advantages they need, at their own level, in Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies. Small changes are usually easy. We help people find the right ones for them. If you are not a worker in a company then contact us. We have you coverd too.


Start on our Library page at OptimalHealthSecrets.com/library.html#wrm

The biggest problem in modern health care is people not doing what science has shown they should be doing.

We help with that.

Our Mission
To Teach and Guide

Help for Worker's Wellness, Cost Free to the Company

| | | | Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies | | | |

Our mission is to teach you, then guide you, along the roadway to optimal health and wellness. We measure your body and behaviours for optimal health factors, then teach the parameters of the Pain Relief Lifestyle, including the Pain Relief Diet, and the Five Pillars of Optimal Health Secrets.